ILX Fund's Manfred Shapers, CEO, on the need for more development data
Uxolo's Sam McManus talks to Manfred Schepers - CEO, ILX Fund and previously Vice President & CFO at the EBRD - about bridging the gap for private investment in the development finance space.
Manfred discusses ILX Fund (0.45), his time at EBRD (01.45), currency instruments (02.50), bridging the gap for private finance to assist DFIs to invest in the SDGs (03.20), the ‘new phenomenon’ of the DFI market (05.25), the need for more transparency and data in the market (07.00), the GEMS database and risk data (11.20), the movement towards becoming a new asset class and how impact is in the DNA of DFIs (12:50), the importance of scaling-up over time (15.40), managing a portfolio of development projects (17.30), measuring the impact of development projects (18.50), the activity of the Dutch pension funds and specific MDBs (20.20), the ILX Fund sector focus (22.30) and advice for investors in the development blended finance space (25.00).
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