UXOLO CLIMATE FINANCE | Watch on demand content today
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Our virtual climate finance networking and intelligence platform is now live! It will run up to the end of COP26, so Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), and private capital investors can share their initiatives and knowledge at this crucial time.
Climate Finance Virtual
'Accelerating the flow of capital to climate action'
Register and watch on demand here: https://climatefinance.uxolo.com/
Key takeaways
1. Impact evaluation remains a challenge with UNEP FI encouraging DFIs to subscribe to the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, which advocates the alignment of strategy and practice with the vision society has set out for its future in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.
2. With climate negotiations trailing behind its targeted goals, all eyes are on the private sector to play a leading role in driving climate finance, however, regulatory frameworks like the Taxonomy Regulation set out by the EU are too focused on developed markets and are negatively impacting the emerging markets.
3. Under the climate financing umbrella, resilience and adaptation are critically under-funded but also present the most opportunity for investments. The key barriers to resilience and adaptation financing include the challenges in monetising benefits and harmonising definitions and metrics.
4. Local financial institutions can play a key role in upscaling climate finance since local financial institutions are present in both the asset and liability sides of a project. On the asset side, the local institutions can provide lending to projects that are identified as climate or sustainable finance. On the liability side, they could raise green bonds and channel more funding from international investors.
5. Industry-led initiatives like the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, which brings together 58 banks from 29 countries representing almost a quarter of global banking assets (over US$39 trillion), has the potential to create significant impact by aligning lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050.
6. In Latin America, sustainable bonds have been developing steadily and perform the function of financing sustainable projects, advancing SDGs, and compels the issuer to modify its investment selection, product development, and risk management processes of the company.
Speakers already include:
Eric Usher, Head, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
Amal-Lee Amin, Director Climate Strategy, CDC Group and Senior Advisor, COP26 Unit, Cabinet Office
Gianpiero Nacci, Director - Green Economy and Climate Action, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Nadia Nikolova, Lead Portfolio Manager Development Finance, Allianz Global Investors
Maria Sarraf, Practice Manager for the Environment, Natural Resources and the Blue Economy in West Africa, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), The World Bank
Sarvesh Suri, Director – Climate, Energy, Extractives, Financial & Capital Mkts. Business, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), The World Bank
Richard Amor, Head of Corporate Lending, Asia, Latin America and Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Aparna Shrivastava, Deputy Chief Climate Officer, DFC, technical expert group, UN Climate Change
Julia Wakeling, Head of Impact and ESG, SilverStreet Capital
Natalie de Wit, Head of Financial Institutions Asia, DEG
Marisela Alvarenga, Chief of the Financial Institutions Division, IDB Invest
Simon Bessant, Director, Texel Finance
Scott Reinhart, Founder and Managing Director, Brawn Capital
Pierre-Laurent Macridis, Private alternative & impact investments, Fondaction
Reik Haahr Müller, Vice President, Climate Investments, Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU)
Davinah Milenge, Principal Programme Coordinator, African Development Bank
Søren Peter Andreasen, CEO, European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI)
Naeeda Crishna Morgado, Infrastructure Specialist (Innovation and Green Finance), Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Serena Guarnaschelli, Partner, KOIS
Alberto Charro, Country Manager Uruguay, BBVA
Michelle Espinach Mendieta, Sustainable Banking Manager, Grupo Promerica Costa Rica
Sean Gilbert, Director, Capital Mobilisation, The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)
Alejandro Litovsky, Founder & CEO, Earth Security