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30 September 2021

Long-term infrastructure financing in an emerging market: The Infrastructure Investment Programme for South Africa (IIPSA) case study

Newsletter Editor
Middle East & Africa
On 30 September 2021, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the South African National Treasury and the EU hosted over 500 delegates for a virtual webinar to discuss 'Long-term infrastructure financing in an emerging market' and provide a case study on the Infrastructure Investment Programme for South Africa (IIPSA).

The Development Bank of Southern Africa, South African National Treasury and the European Union are pleased to have hosted over 500 delegates in a virtual webinar to discuss 'Long-term infrastructure financing in an emerging market' and provide a case study on the Infrastructure Investment Programme for South Africa (IIPSA). The webinar aimed to share with participants the experience gained to fast track municipal infrastructure delivery by capacitating municipalities with regards to developing Long Term Financing Plans (LTFP) and identifying bankable projects for implementation.

The objective of the LTFP is to assist the municipalities to identify funding sources that the municipality can mobilize to achieve their infrastructure goals without negatively impacting the municipality’s long-term financial sustainability and to assist municipalities package and present their projects in a manner that fulfils the fundamental pre-requisites for approaching DFI’s, MDB’s) and Private Sector funders. 

“The outcome of the LTFP should be a basis for the municipality’s long-term funding needs, its financing strategy and how this funding will be utilized to blend it with own income generated and grant flows from provincial and central government”, said Alwyn Coetzee, IIPSA Advisor.

The webinar unpacked the learnings and successes to consider potential solutions to promote partnerships between municipalities and Commercial Banks, Development Finance Institutions (DFI’s) and other stakeholders, to mobilize long-term financing for municipal infrastructure investment and service delivery, 


The key aim of the Infrastructure Investment Programme for South Africa (IIPSA) is to assist the South African Government to address its Medium-Term Strategic Framework and the National Development Plan which seeks to improve the conditions of life of South Africans by addressing poverty and unemployment, as well as contributing to enhancing regional economic integration in the South African Development Community (SADC) Region. The main purpose of the IIPSA funding is to enhance sustainable economic growth and the delivery of key services affecting development in South Africa and in the SADC Region. IIPSA is expected to support the implementation of the government's infrastructure programme and to addressing the constraints to infrastructure development in South Africa and in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region. Financial leverage is a key principle of the IIPSA.

About the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) is a leading Development Finance Institution (DFI) in Africa. Established in 1983, the DBSA participates across the entire infrastructure value chain and provides planning, project preparation, financing, and implementation support for economic and social infrastructure in South Africa, SADC and the rest of the African continent. The institution’s mission is to improve people’s lives, boost economic growth and promote regional integration through infrastructure development.

For more information, visit www.dbsa.org

For further information contact: dbsa@dbsa.org +27 (0) 11 313 3716


Desiree Mojanaga
Specialist: External Marketing & Communications

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