Live webinar: A review of development finance market activity 2022
This Wednesday (30 Nov), Uxolo's director Sam McManus and Exile's head of insights and data Alfonso Olivas hosted a live webinar reviewing development finance's market activity in 2022 using Uxolo data. Below are some key takeaways and the webinar replay.

Uxolo and its data are continuing to grow in line with the market. Uxolo’s data methodology relies mostly on public disclosures, but some institutions fail to disclose either any data or insufficiently detailed data and this is a work in progress. Development finance data is infamously difficult to access but partnerships and collaborations are enabling better accessibility and, as a result, better market analysis.
There is less activity, projects, and volume than 2021, but as the proportions of 2022’s market activity are corresponding to last year, we can expect to see an increase in activity at the close of this year.
Smaller deals are on the decrease and bigger deals are on the increase. Massive packages in Eastern Europe make up a significant portion of this, such as for Ukraine and for Ukrainian refugee support in neighbouring countries like Poland.
There has been a big spike of growth in lower middle-income countries, to the detriment of lower income and middle income countries - in particular, the Philippines and Georgia have seen lots of activity with multi-billion $ projects in social infrastructure and human capital, respectively.
Energy project financing is decreasing overall due to a decisive push away from traditional energy investment. While renewable energy has maintained a 5% cut of the sector breakdown in 2021 and 2022, this year has seen traditional energy more than half from 14.5% to 6.4%.
There is a slight increase in projects done in local currency - only 39 not in hard currencies this year, but an increase of 5% from last year (5.5 - 10.5%). Calls for local currency are getting louder at the moment, and this is certainly a space to watch.
Watch Uxolo's review of development finance market activity 2022 here