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14 January 2021

IADB’s CFO on the value of MDB exposure exchanges

The ADB and the IADB recently agreed a $1 billion exposure exchange agreement, but the benefits of the instrument are not always the same for the MBDs, reveals IADB’s...

05 January 2021

2020: Impact investment’s breakthrough year

The global sustainability focus of recent years has seen impact investing growth accelerate rapidly: Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) estimates the size of the...

15 December 2020

Indorama blue loan lays marker for Asian corporates

ADB, DEG and IFC have provided a $300 million financing that will fund the recycling of 50 billion plastic bottles every year by 2025, diverting plastic waste from...

01 December 2020

Atriva: The mechanics of a COVID drug financing

A recent €24 million venture debt financing by the EIB will support the development and testing of Atriva’s ATR-002 antiviral therapeutic. How does the deal's structure...

23 November 2020
Renewable energy, Traditional energy

Commerz Real launches CO2 impact fund for private investors

Over a 50-year term, klimaVest will aim to grow a €25 billion portfolio of mainly renewable-energy assets, paying investors a 3-4% annual return.

17 November 2020

Development banks urged to reform collaborative methods

At the 14th AFD International Research Conference on Development last week, the EBRD’s Alexia Latortue drew up a five-point plan for increasing the efficacy of...

09 November 2020

The world’s first outcomes-driven gender bond

IDB Invest, which structured the bond for Colombian bank Davivienda, believes the landmark issuance will catalyse the wider gender-linked bonds market in Latin America.

02 November 2020

Natural allies – but a changing alliance

Following a collaboration between FMO and The Fund, Uxolo spoke to impact asset manager Finance in Motion about the nuanced and ever evolving relationship...

21 October 2020

New green infra fund aims to unlock $4bn for urban innovation

The City Climate Finance Gap Fund will help cities in poorer nations develop strategies for climate-friendly growth and turn them into bankable projects.

13 October 2020

DFIs urged to scale up blended finance to meet $15tn infra funding gap

In order to crowd-in more private sector investment, DFIs need to increase their levels of blended finance in low-income countries and provide a wider array of de-risking...

06 October 2020

Chasing DFI infrastructure cash

Given the vast Covid-19 relief packages they are putting together, are DFIs really in a position to play a bigger role than usual in planned infrastructure stimulus...

24 September 2020

Tackling Europe’s housing crisis

In late July, The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) agreed to provide a €63.2 million loan to Stuttgart’s housing association, SWSG, to increase the supply of...

15 September 2020

EIB backs Barcelona’s superblock urban regeneration plan

A €95 million financing will provide funding for 38 energy efficiency and social infrastructure projects across Barcelona, including helping to expand the city’s...

10 September 2020
Social infrastructure

BAKAD: Great deal – even greater expectations

The Almaty Ring Road (BAKAD) PPP financing is a major DFI-backed achievement for Kazakhstan. But are estimations of its impact, beyond meeting the project’s immediate...

01 September 2020

How development banks can speed up the electric vehicle transition

The EIB is providing a loan to fund the roll out of 8,500 charging points across Spain. The support is the latest in a growing number of DFI-backed deals designed to...

28 August 2020

Free trade area could boost Africa’s income by $450bn

Women and unskilled workers would see the largest wage gains from the AfCFTA agreement under discussion, which would also help of set the continent’s predicted $79bn of...

18 August 2020
Social infrastructure

How DFIs can help Iraq combat COVID-19

KfW has provided a €15 million grant to build four new hospitals in Iraq as the country races to add healthcare capacity before its pandemic peaks in the autumn.

18 August 2020
Renewable energy, Traditional energy

Multilaterals boost climate finance to $62bn in 2019

Multilateral development banks are providing ever increasing levels of climate finance, but populist governments and the COVID-19 pandemic represent impending challenges....

11 August 2020
Social infrastructure, Waste and water

BNDES: A little more like other DFIs

BNDES is shifting its mandate, with project origination and structuring now higher on the corporate agenda, as Brazil’s DFI looks to attract other sources of financing...

20 July 2020

Shop talk: EIB ups impact finance ingenuity

Guido Clary, head of Slovenia and Western Balkans unit at EIB, outlines the DFI’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and explains how its new impact financing initiative, a...